
My previous post explored a stored procedure that extended procedure_analyse with the intent of helping DBAs optimize table structure.

Here's an improved version. I've followed Arjen Lentz's suggestion and added support for the max_elements and max_memory parameters.

I also added a new Indexed column to the output, which is an ENUM('No','Yes','Overindexed'). Yes and No are self-explanatory, while Overindexed means the column is present as the left-most part of more than one index. This is useless, it just presents a performance penalty for MySQL (it needs to update more indexes) and if, for instance, you have columns A and B, and you have KEY(A) and KEY (A,B), mysql can use the second index to search for A alone too.

Here's the updated version:


extended procedure analyse
(C) 2009 Fernando Ipar


drop procedure if exists extended_procedure_analyse;
delimiter //
create procedure extended_procedure_analyse(databaseName varchar(64), tableName varchar(64), max_elements int, max_memory int)

	drop temporary table if exists procedure_analyse_output;
	drop temporary table if exists tmp_pao;

	create temporary table procedure_analyse_output 
	Field_name varchar(64),
	Min_value int,
	Max_value int,
	Min_length int,
	Max_length int,
	Empties_or_zeros int,
	Nulls int,
	Avg_value_or_avg_length float,
	Std float,
	Optimal_fieldtype text,
	Actual_fieldtype text,
	Indexed enum ('No','Yes','Overindexed') default 'No'
	set @table = concat(databaseName,'.',tableName);
	set @dbName = databaseName;
	set @tbName = tableName;
	set @maxEle = max_elements;
	set @maxMem = max_memory;

	set @qry = concat('insert into procedure_analyse_output (Field_name,Min_value,Max_value,Min_length,Max_length,Empties_or_zeros,Nulls,Avg_Value_or_avg_length,Std,Optimal_fieldtype) select * from ', @table,' procedure analyse(',@maxEle,',',@maxMem,')');
	prepare myStmt from @qry;
	execute myStmt;
	update procedure_analyse_output set Field_name = replace(Field_name,  CONCAT(databaseName,'.',tableName,'.'),'');
	prepare myStmt from 'update procedure_analyse_output pao, information_schema.columns c set pao.Actual_Fieldtype = c.column_type where table_schema = ? and table_name = ? and column_name = pao.Field_name';
	execute myStmt using @dbName,@tbName;
	set @qry = concat('select count(*) as `Total_number_of_rows` from ',@table);
	prepare myStmt from @qry;
	execute myStmt;
	set @qry = concat('update procedure_analyse_output pao set Indexed = "Yes\" where exists (select 1 from information_schema.statistics where table_schema = ? and table_name = ? and column_name = pao.Field_name)');
	prepare myStmt from @qry;
	execute myStmt using @dbName,@tbName;

	create temporary table tmp_pao as select * from procedure_analyse_output;
	prepare myStmt from 'update tmp_pao set Indexed = "Overindexed" where exists (select Field_name,count(*) from procedure_analyse_output pao inner join information_schema.statistics s on pao.Field_name = s.column_name where table_schema = ? and table_name = ? and seq_in_index = 1 and pao.Field_name = tmp_pao.Field_name group by Field_name having count(*) > 1)';
	execute myStmt  using @dbName,@tbName;
	select * from tmp_pao;
	drop temporary table procedure_analyse_output;
	drop temporary table tmp_pao; 
delimiter ;

And here's a sample output:

mysql> call extended_procedure_analyse('test','Account',4,100)\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Total_number_of_rows: 1
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

*************************** 1. row ***************************
             Field_name: InternalAID
              Min_value: 2147483647
              Max_value: 2147483647
             Min_length: 18
             Max_length: 18
       Empties_or_zeros: 0
                  Nulls: 0
Avg_value_or_avg_length: 1.65632e+17
                    Std: 0
      Optimal_fieldtype: BIGINT(18) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
       Actual_fieldtype: bigint(20)
                Indexed: Yes
*************************** 2. row ***************************
             Field_name: accountID
              Min_value: 12
              Max_value: 12
             Min_length: 2
             Max_length: 2
       Empties_or_zeros: 0
                  Nulls: 0
Avg_value_or_avg_length: 2
                    Std: NULL
      Optimal_fieldtype: ENUM('12') NOT NULL
       Actual_fieldtype: varchar(255)
                Indexed: Overindexed
*************************** 3. row ***************************
             Field_name: acctBalance
              Min_value: 2147483647
              Max_value: 2147483647
             Min_length: 11
             Max_length: 11
       Empties_or_zeros: 0
                  Nulls: 0
Avg_value_or_avg_length: 1.00051e+20
                    Std: 0
      Optimal_fieldtype: BIGINT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
       Actual_fieldtype: double
                Indexed: Yes
*************************** 4. row ***************************
             Field_name: ownerID
              Min_value: 2147483647
              Max_value: 2147483647
             Min_length: 19
             Max_length: 19
       Empties_or_zeros: 0
                  Nulls: 0
Avg_value_or_avg_length: 6.57541e+18
                    Std: 0
      Optimal_fieldtype: BIGINT(19) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
       Actual_fieldtype: bigint(20)
                Indexed: No
4 rows in set (0.24 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 8 warnings (0.24 sec)

There's a hg repository to handle the project. We're working with @fedesilva to create a standalone java app that will present this and more info in a friendly manner to sysadmins, and to handle the creation and destruction of the stored procedure automatically.

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Fernando Ipar



Fernando Ipar

"Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows"

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