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This page has slides and/or related material for some of the presentations I have given:
- TiDB 101 (Percona University Montevideo 2019).
- No MySQL or MongoDB? No Problem! How to Extend PMM’s Functionality to Monitor Other DBMSs (Prepared with Agustin Gallego, presented by Agustin, Percona Live Santa Clara 2018)
- CockroachDB: A database for the zombie apocalypse (Montevideo Open Source Persistence Meetup, 2017).
- MongoDB: A Primer for MySQL DBAs (DataOps Latam 2015, no slides available).
- Managing farms of MySQL servers with MySQL Fabric (Percona University Montevideo, 2014).
- Offloading MySQL with Redis (Percona University Montevideo, 2014).
- Control de concurrencia sin bloqueos (Percona University Montevideo, 2013).
- Software Transactional Memory in Ruby (RubyConf Montevideo, 2013) (Cancelled due to illness).
- Percona Toolkit Recipes (MySQL NoSQL Cloud 2013).
- Distributed Transactions in MySQL (Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo, 2013)
- MySQL on Windows: A survival guide for Linux-based DBAs (Percona Webinar, 2013).
- 5 Proactive Measures to Minimize MySQL Downtime (MySQL NoSQL Cloud, 2013)
- 10 Percona Toolkit tools every MySQL DBA should know about (Percona Webinar, 2012)
- Performance tuning Amazon EC2 and RDS (Percona Live New York, 2012).
- Percona Toolkit Tutorial (Percona Live New York, 2012).
- Vagrant: Entornos de prueba en minutos (, 2012).
- Diagnóstico de problemas con Percona Toolkit (Montevideo MySQL Meetup, 2012).
- Finding the cursed query (Montevideo MySQL Meetup, 2012)
- Hibernate and Connector/J performance considerations (Percona Webinar, 2011)
- Introducción a MySQL (ASUOC 2011)
- PHP Object-Relational Mapping Libraries in action (O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo, 2010)
Presentations for which I have lost the slides (because database people tell others they need backups but don’t always do that themselves!):
- 20 years of MySQL (Percona University Montevideo, 2015).
- Introduction to MongoDB (Percona University Montevideo, 2015).