Fernando Ipar
"Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows"
My org-mode workflow
A recent Hacker News discussion inspired me to write a short post on my org-mode workflow, with the hope that it may help others. The thing I like the most about org-mode is that it supports heavy customization. This is not surprising, since Emacs itself is all about customization. You...
What is a good cache hit ratio?
What is a good cache hit ratio? Taking MySQL as an example: what is a good query cache hit ratio? At the time of writing this, I get over 600 results if I enter that question into Google and limit the results to stackexchange.com. If I change ‘ratio’ to ‘rate,’...
Running sysbench-based benchmarks against Cassandra
This article is a cross post from Pythian’s blog I was recently discussing benchmarking options for Cassandra with some colleagues and given my background with MySQL, sysbench was the first tool I thought of. Sysbench is a high performance and flexible benchmark tool that can be used to run both...
Measuring the potential overhead of pmm-client on MySQL workloads
This article is a cross post from Pythian’s blog Having good historial metrics monitoring in place is critical for properly operating, maintaining and troubleshooting database systems, and Percona Monitoring and Management is one of the options we recommend to our clients for this. One common concern among potential users is...
Expanding your keyboard on emacs with the Hyper key
I recently stumbled upon the hyper and super keys on emacs here. What I like about this setup is that I rarely use the Function key in my day to day usage, so this is making good use of a key that’s both mostly unused and conveniently located in my...