Fernando Ipar
"Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows"
emacs config update
Time for the sporadic update about my emacs configuration journey. I’m now on 29.1, and as part of the upgrade process, I refactored my config into more, smaller files, to make it easy to selectively disable features while troubelshooting startup problems. Since I use both a personal and a work...
Documenting emacs hyper shortcuts
I have written before about my discovery, and adoption of emacs shortcuts based on the Hyper key, and this time I want to share a simple script to generate basic documentation of them. The script works on the assumption that shortcuts that involve defining another shortcut (i.e., using kbd) will...
Questions to ask when evaluating a database
I’ve been evaluating a few databases recently while working on a way to process application logs, and here’s a list of questions I ask myself during the process. This list is biased to operations, so I’m explicitly ignoring equally important questions that apply to the development and usage side, like...
Minimal networking knowledge recommended for DBAs
This article is a cross post from Pythian’s blog In a recent post, I summarized what I consider to be the minimal topics one should be familiar with in order to do technical work with databases. One thing I left out, except for it being implicitly included in “Hardware Basics”...
Top 8 things every database practitioner should know
This article is a cross post from Pythian’s blog I’ve been interviewing and mentoring candidates for technical database positions for almost ten years, and a common question from those who either don’t make it or feel they’re not ready yet to apply to the position they’re looking for is: What...